
The Boy Scouts are in force to spread the mulch every spring. Rob Robinson provides the mulch. With the boys and their fathers, the entire grounds usually are mulched in 1.5 hours! We are fortunate they provide the manpower for this project.
Many thanks to dedication of the committee and the gardeners. They all keep after sections of the garden diligently and faithfully. Please thank them yourself. More gardeners are welcome anytime to take on a plot for the season.
Please visit the memorial garden and enjoy! The grounds committee is committed to maintaining a reverent, hallowed, and lively memorial garden for the benefit of all.
Grounds Committee Chairperson: Guy Wylie
Many thanks to dedication of the committee and the gardeners. They all keep after sections of the garden diligently and faithfully. Please thank them yourself. More gardeners are welcome anytime to take on a plot for the season.
Please visit the memorial garden and enjoy! The grounds committee is committed to maintaining a reverent, hallowed, and lively memorial garden for the benefit of all.
Grounds Committee Chairperson: Guy Wylie