Alcohol Policy
Adopted by Vestry – March 22, 2016
The people of Christ Church Episcopal are committed to providing a safe and welcoming environment for all people, including those who are in alcohol recovery. Therefore, we shall implement the following policy with respect to the use of alcohol during activities and events held on the premises of Christ Church Episcopal and during all parish activities and ministries irrespective of where they take place.
Outside groups using parish facilities, shall be informed that alcohol use is prohibited unless approved by the clergy, or in the absence of clergy, the vestry or parish administrator. If the service of alcoholic beverages is approved, the sponsoring group or organization must (a) obey all applicable federal, state and local laws, (b) follow the restrictions and requirements set forth in paragraph 3 above, and (c) assume responsibility for those persons who might become intoxicated, including making arrangements for alternative transportation for anyone whose capacity to drive may be impaired.
The people of Christ Church Episcopal are committed to providing a safe and welcoming environment for all people, including those who are in alcohol recovery. Therefore, we shall implement the following policy with respect to the use of alcohol during activities and events held on the premises of Christ Church Episcopal and during all parish activities and ministries irrespective of where they take place.
- We will obey all applicable federal, state and local laws governing the use of alcohol, including, but not limited, to restrictions on serving minors.
- Unless otherwise prohibited by this policy, with clergy or Vestry approval a limited amount of alcoholic beverages may be served at church-sponsored events or gatherings.
- If clergy or the Vestry has approved the serving of alcohol at a congregational social event, the following procedures shall be implemented:
- Service of alcohol must be monitored and those showing signs of intoxication must not be served.
- The rector, vicar, priest-in-charge, or, where there is no clergy on site, the senior warden, must appoint an adult to oversee the service of alcohol. That adult is prohibited from drinking alcoholic beverages during the time of his or her execution of his or her responsibilities.
- If minors are present at a congregational social event and alcohol use has been approved, alcohol must be served at a separate station or location that is monitored at all times to prevent underage drinking.
- Alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages must be clearly labeled as such.
- Non-alcoholic alternatives must always be offered with equal prominence and accessibility.
- Food must be served when alcohol is present.
- Alcohol must be either placed in a secure location or removed from the premises after the event.
- Food prepared with alcohol at any parish event must be clearly marked to indicate that alcohol was used in the food’s preparation.
- Alcohol consumption will not be the focus of any Christ Church Episcopal ministry or any event conducted inside or outside of the parish. Promotion and advertising of events, functions, or ministries will not promote alcohol consumption nor create the perception that drinking alcohol is expected.
- Recognizing the effects of alcohol as a mood-altering drug, alcoholic beverages will not be served at Vestry meetings or other times when the business of the Church is being conducted.
- When celebrating the Eucharist, clergy shall consecrate an appropriate amount of wine and perform ablutions in a way that does not foster or model misuse. Clergy will make known in various ways, such as communication and educational offerings, the efficacy of receiving the sacrament in one kind (namely the bread only).
Outside groups using parish facilities, shall be informed that alcohol use is prohibited unless approved by the clergy, or in the absence of clergy, the vestry or parish administrator. If the service of alcoholic beverages is approved, the sponsoring group or organization must (a) obey all applicable federal, state and local laws, (b) follow the restrictions and requirements set forth in paragraph 3 above, and (c) assume responsibility for those persons who might become intoxicated, including making arrangements for alternative transportation for anyone whose capacity to drive may be impaired.