April 2021
The Building for Community project nears completion in April with the installation of the renovated stained glass window, the new ceiling tiles, hardware, and delivery of furniture. Once the weather warmed up, landscaping was completed in the memorial garden and the old trough that was converted into a new water feature was turned on!
February and march 2021
Much was happening with the building project throughout February and March. We had the removal of the worn blue carpet in the Beebe House parish offices (see the before and after pictures), along with painting, flooring, and new windows and French doors in the Parish Hall. March wrapped up with the new restroom finishes going in!
January 2021
The walls have gone up! The construction crew spent much of January working on drywall. By the end of month the walls, ceilings, corridor, and new restrooms were intact and ready for painting to begin.
November & December 2020
November and December brought the removal and replacement of the dishwasher in the kitchen, along with continued framing of the Parish Hall and new corridor. An old gas tank was also removed from the memorial garden and new concrete was poured. Much work has also been done on the new restroom addition and insulation and drywall are scheduled to begin at the start of the new year!
October 2020
The last two weeks of October included the removal of the evergreen shrubs against the north wall in the memorial garden to make room for the relocation of the stone trough, which will be converted into a water feature. We also made the fun discovery of an old horse shoe that was buried in the garden. Perhaps for luck? Any ideas of what we should do with it? The month ended with framing work in the Parish Hall and masonry work to close up windows that will no longer be used in the Parish Hall with the addition of new restrooms.
September 2020 update
Construction has officially begun and life at church is busy, chaotic, dusty, and noisy, but exciting! Follow along with us on a pictorial journey of the transformation of our Parish Hall and restrooms.
August 2020 update
We started on the path to this project almost three years ago. Last week our vestry voted unanimously to proceed with construction this fall! Because the building is being used very little thanks to Covid-19, there will be much less disruption to our life together if we proceed now, and our construction manager believes this is a good time to be getting bids.
Here is the link to the presentation from our all parish Zoom meeting held on August 5.
Here is the link to the presentation from our all parish Zoom meeting held on August 5.
Where we are now:
1. Our goal for the campaign is $1,642,000.
2. To date, we have $860,700 in pledges and a $300,000 matching pledge that goes into effect today and matches every pledge received dollar for dollar up to the $300,000.
3. In order to reach our goal, $482,000 is needed in new pledges.
4. 100% of the vestry/rector, and campaign leadership has pledged to the campaign.
How will we get to the goal?
1. Everyone in the parish will be contacted by a fellow parishioner and asked to set up a time to meet and go over the campaign.
2. On average, our pledges as a congregation need to total 3.5 times our giving to the annual budget. Some people can do more. Some can do exactly that. Some can do less. What is important is that everyone make a pledge!
3. The pledges to the capital campaign are payable over three years.
What about the annual campaign?
1. We are running both campaigns simultaneously for transparency.
2. You will get both pledge cards from the parishioner who contacts you.
3. We are asking that you make the pledge to the annual campaign primary and give at least what you gave last year. Raising $1.6 million dollars will do us no good if we cannot pay the staff, turn on the lights, and flush the toilets in the new restrooms! Then make your pledge to the capital campaign, remembering that you can pay that pledge over three years.
We are looking for 100% participation for a variety of reasons. First, every pledge matters as we work to reach our goal! Secondly, if we are able to apply for grants for projects not on the list, granting agencies want to see that we have buy-in ourselves. 100% participation will be very impressive! If we decide to borrow money to get work started before all the pledges are paid, which is likely, lenders may look more favorably on a high participation rate.
Lastly, the link to my sermon from yesterday is here. The sermon explains a bit about how we got to this point with the campaign and why we are working to improve our buildings.
If you have questions, please do not hesitate to be in touch with me, or with Lou Young, or George VanBuren, co-chairs of our campaign.
1. Our goal for the campaign is $1,642,000.
2. To date, we have $860,700 in pledges and a $300,000 matching pledge that goes into effect today and matches every pledge received dollar for dollar up to the $300,000.
3. In order to reach our goal, $482,000 is needed in new pledges.
4. 100% of the vestry/rector, and campaign leadership has pledged to the campaign.
How will we get to the goal?
1. Everyone in the parish will be contacted by a fellow parishioner and asked to set up a time to meet and go over the campaign.
2. On average, our pledges as a congregation need to total 3.5 times our giving to the annual budget. Some people can do more. Some can do exactly that. Some can do less. What is important is that everyone make a pledge!
3. The pledges to the capital campaign are payable over three years.
What about the annual campaign?
1. We are running both campaigns simultaneously for transparency.
2. You will get both pledge cards from the parishioner who contacts you.
3. We are asking that you make the pledge to the annual campaign primary and give at least what you gave last year. Raising $1.6 million dollars will do us no good if we cannot pay the staff, turn on the lights, and flush the toilets in the new restrooms! Then make your pledge to the capital campaign, remembering that you can pay that pledge over three years.
We are looking for 100% participation for a variety of reasons. First, every pledge matters as we work to reach our goal! Secondly, if we are able to apply for grants for projects not on the list, granting agencies want to see that we have buy-in ourselves. 100% participation will be very impressive! If we decide to borrow money to get work started before all the pledges are paid, which is likely, lenders may look more favorably on a high participation rate.
Lastly, the link to my sermon from yesterday is here. The sermon explains a bit about how we got to this point with the campaign and why we are working to improve our buildings.
If you have questions, please do not hesitate to be in touch with me, or with Lou Young, or George VanBuren, co-chairs of our campaign.
The following roles have been assigned and timeline presented.
Campaign Chairs: Lou Young, George Van Buren
Communications Chair: Heather Swift
Database Manager: Kathy Garber
Campaign Coordinator: Susan Vanaman
Campaign Brochure Coordinator: Rev. Charlotte
Gift Worker Coordinator: Ann Kirk
Planning Gift Shephards: Tom Green, Ruth Andrews
Annual Campaign Chairs: Jim Lang, George Murray
Tentative Time Line:
Brochure completed by CCE June 6
Fathom Worksheet May 29, revision June 7
Deadline for Gift Workers June 25
Gift Worker Training July 13, 14
Advance Gift Deadline Aug 11
Kick Off Event Aug 11
Pledges due Oct 27
GOAL: Pledge cards returned prior to gift worker solicitation: Vestry (9), CC Chair (2), Comm Chair (6) and Gift Workers (25).
Pledge Units: 148
Campaign Chairs: Lou Young, George Van Buren
Communications Chair: Heather Swift
Database Manager: Kathy Garber
Campaign Coordinator: Susan Vanaman
Campaign Brochure Coordinator: Rev. Charlotte
Gift Worker Coordinator: Ann Kirk
Planning Gift Shephards: Tom Green, Ruth Andrews
Annual Campaign Chairs: Jim Lang, George Murray
Tentative Time Line:
Brochure completed by CCE June 6
Fathom Worksheet May 29, revision June 7
Deadline for Gift Workers June 25
Gift Worker Training July 13, 14
Advance Gift Deadline Aug 11
Kick Off Event Aug 11
Pledges due Oct 27
GOAL: Pledge cards returned prior to gift worker solicitation: Vestry (9), CC Chair (2), Comm Chair (6) and Gift Workers (25).
Pledge Units: 148
Lou Young and George VanBuren agreed to be co-chairs of the campaign. They have already had a phone meeting with Leslie Pendleton, ECF consultant. The goal is to conclude both the Capital Campaign and the yearly Operating Campaign by 3-Nov-2019. It has been two years since the Cottage Meetings. Projects have been refined and tied to parish priorities. Wylie was complimented for his presentation to the parish. He has reallocated $12k for a possible new dishwasher, something that received a lot of energy at the meeting. Solar panels will be investigated. The following people will be working on campaign.
Click here for the updated project scope and costs.
Click here for the updated project scope and costs.
On Sunday, April 7 Leslie Pendleton from the Episcopal Church Foundation returned to present our feasibility study results. Here is the video of her presentation with the presentation slides below that. The full report will be linked here soon.
The following tentative case statement summarizes the work done thus far and includes the project lists and architectural renderings. Please review it before answering the forthcoming survey in March.
In early March, every household in the parish will receive a feasibility study for the capital campaign either via the US Postal Service or by email. This study will help the vestry determine how much money we can raise and what projects we can accomplish. The architect’s drawings and render- ing are on display in the Parish Hall if you missed the Reveal Party. Take a look, and when you get your feasibility study in the mail, please fill it out and return it as soon as possible. Only one study is to be filled out per household to make sure we do not have duplicate responses. Thank you for your quick replies!
In early March, every household in the parish will receive a feasibility study for the capital campaign either via the US Postal Service or by email. This study will help the vestry determine how much money we can raise and what projects we can accomplish. The architect’s drawings and render- ing are on display in the Parish Hall if you missed the Reveal Party. Take a look, and when you get your feasibility study in the mail, please fill it out and return it as soon as possible. Only one study is to be filled out per household to make sure we do not have duplicate responses. Thank you for your quick replies!
Tentative Case Statement
case-hudson_oh.pdf |
The 29-April-2018 conversation in the Parish Hall included presentations by Sallie Bear, Rev. Charlotte Collins Reed, Gabe Lefebvre, Susan Mailey, Dave McCallops, Reed Stith, Guy Wylie, and Bob Zuhl updating the CCEH Facilities Capital Campaign progress. Parishioners provided input helping to prioritize the Oct/Nov-2017 cottage meeting themes which will be used to create our capital campaign goals. The presentation slides appear below.
Sallie Bear, Pam Zuhl, Dave McCallops, and Reed Stith presented the following analysis of the cottage meetings in a slide show at the Annual Meeting on January 21, 2018. Contact them with any questions.
Cottage Meeting Follow Up Many thanks to everyone who attended one of our cottage meetings. Over 100 people participated in a cottage meeting and there are pages and pages of notes to digest. Pam Zuhl, Dave McCallops, and Reed Stith are working on an analysis of the conversations and a report will be presented to the parish sometime soon after the first of the year. Watch your email and Sunday announcements for a date and time!
Leslie Pendleton, our consultant from Episcopal Church Foundation, stressed over and over again that our priority right now was pledging to the annual operating budget. The annual operating budget is the top priority as that is the budget that "runs" the church. We are a long way from soliciting pledges for the capital campaign. Her words were "Do not even think about the capital campaign when making your annual pledge." Click the triangle on the player below to hear Leslie's introduction given during her visit to Christ Church on October 1, 2017
While our buildings have some obvious needs, we want to hear from everyone about the ways you think our buildings can better support our ministries and reflect our values at Christ Church. Read more about the capital projects history in this document. Whether you have been at Christ Church less than one year or more than 50 years, the vestry wants to hear from you!