Our spring fundraiser is a joint effort of the Christ Church Fellowship Ministry (so it will be fun!) and the Outreach Ministry (so it will do good!). It's a win/win!! Watch the interview with the The Reverend Charlotte Collins Reed and Sarah Krei from Hope & Healing to learn more about the recipient of this year's auction proceeds.
- The Auction will benefit Hope and Healing, formerly known as The Battered Women's Shelter of Akron. One of our 2021 Christ Church goals is to serve people affected by the pandemic. Domestic Violence has risen dramatically over the last year and budgets for places like Hope and Healing have been cut. More information about Hope and Healing will be posted on the auction website, which should be up next week and the link will be sent out. (Hope and Healing is also the beneficiary of half of the funds collected for Easter flowers.)
- Please consider donating items or contacting others (businesses or friends) to donate items that might be interesting and valuable enough to be auctioned for at least $40. If you have questions about donating items, please contact Jim Lang. Ideas include collectibles, vacation homes, time shares, and sporting event tickets among other things.
- All of the particulars about the auction (how to donate, how bidding will work, how to pay, how on earth does an online auction work???) will be on the auction website.
Please mark your calendars for April 25 and watch for further emails to see how you can help and participate in this creative fellowship/outreach event at Christ Church! More information is coming soon!